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Install on Linux


To install ZigiOps on Linux, you must have root privileges. Run the installer by executing the command sudo java -jar "<PATH>/zigiwave-zigiops-installer.jar".

If the X11 libraries are not installed on your system, the installer will default to console mode, providing a text-based interface where you must use the keyboard to navigate the menus.


The ZigiOps installer landing screen. Click the Next button to continue.


Licensing Agreements

Review the ZigiOps licensing agreement carefully. If you agree to the terms, select I accept the terms of this license agreement and click Next to proceed.


User Data for the ZigiOps Web Application

Configure the ZigiOps web application port by specifying a custom port or accepting the default. Click Next to proceed.


User Data for the ZigiOps Platform Communication

Configure the ZigiOps platform communication port by specifying a custom port or accepting the default. Click Next to proceed.

Ensure that the ZigiOps platform communication port is different from the web application port specified in the previous installation step.


Target Path

Select the ZigiOps installation folder by clicking Browse, choosing your preferred folder, or accepting the default. Click Next to proceed.


Select Installation Packages

Selecting the Linux Services package will deploy ZigiOps as OS services using systemctl. Click Next to proceed.



Wait for the ZigiOps installation process to complete. Once finished, click Next to proceed.


Perform External Processes

The ZigiOps service installation, Java detection, and platform startup will proceed. Click Next to continue.


Installation Finished

On the ZigiOps installation completion screen, click Done to finalize the setup.


Starting and Stopping

Installed as a Service (systemd)

  • Execute systemctl start zigiwave_webapp or service zigiwave_webapp.service start to start the ZigiOps Web App service.

  • Execute systemctl stop zigiwave_webapp or service zigiwave_webapp.service stop to stop the ZigiOps Web App service.

  • Execute systemctl start zigiwave_platform or service zigiwave_platform.service start to start the ZigiOps Platform service.

  • Execute systemctl stop zigiwave_platform or service zigiwave_platform.service stop to stop the ZigiOps Platform service.

Installed as a Process (initd)

  • Execute the ./opt/zigiwave/zigiops/webapp/ shell script to start the ZigiOps Web App process.

  • Execute the ./opt/zigiwave/zigiops/webapp/ shell script to stop the ZigiOps Web App process.

  • Execute the ./opt/zigiwave/zigiops/platform/ shell script to start the ZigiOps Platform process.

  • Execute the ./opt/zigiwave/zigiops/platform/ shell script to stop the ZigiOps Platform process.

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