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Install the Remote Agent on Linux

Linux Installation

You must perform the installation using a Linux Super User account. To begin the installation process, you must run the installer file by executing the sudo java -jar "<PATH>/<zigiops-remote-agent-installer>.jar" command.

Note that if the system cannot render the GUI due to missing X11 libraries, the installer will fall back to console mode, and the installation will be menu-driven and console rendered.


The ZigiOps Remote Agent installer landing screen. Click the Next button to continue.

Licensing Agreements

The ZigiOps Remote Agent licensing agreement. Read it carefully and if you agree, select the I accept the terms of the license agreement option and then click the Next button to continue.

User Data

The ZigiOps Remote Agent web console port configuration. Specify a custom port or accept the default one. Click the Next button to continue.

Target Path

The ZigiOps Remote Agent installation folder. Click the Browse button and choose the desired installation folder or accept the default one. Click the Next button to continue.

Select Installation Packages

The ZigiOps Remote Agent installation packages. Select the desired package(s) or accept the default ones. Click the Next button to continue.


The ZigiOps Remote Agent installation process. Wait for the overall installation process to complete. Click the Next button to continue.

Perform External Processes

The ZigiOps Remote Agent service installation and start process. Click the Next button to continue.

Installation Finished

The ZigiOps Remote Agent installation ending screen. Click the Done button to complete the setup.

Starting and Stopping

Installed as a Service (systemd)

  • Execute the service zigiwave start or service zigiwave.service start command to start the ZigiOps Remote Agent.

  • Execute the service zigiwave stop or service zigiwave.service stop command to stop the ZigiOps Remote Agent.

  • Execute the service zigiwave status or service zigiwave.service status command to check the ZigiOps Remote Agent service status.

Installed as a Process (initd)

  1. Execute the ./ shell script to start the ZigiOps Remote Agent.

  2. Execute the ./ shell script to stop the ZigiOps Remote Agent.

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