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The ZigiOps integration platform has a licensing system that requires a valid license to enable the automatic record transfer for integration between a pair of integrated systems.

All production licenses are issued and bound by either the IP address or FQDN of the ZigiOps host and cannot be used on other hosts.

License Details

You can find the details for the different license attributes below.

License Attribute



The name of the company that owns the license.

Registered to 

The name of the contact that has requested the license.


The contact's email address that has requested the license.


The total number of license points available in the license.

Transferred records

The total number of transferred records per month available for the license (optional).

Bound to address

The network detail to which the license is bound; can be either an IP address or FQDN.


The start date/time since the license can be used.


The expiration date/time after which the license will expire and can no longer be used.

System A

The first system, which the license allows integration with.

System B

The second system, which the license allows integration with.

License Points

The license points are an essential attribute of a license. You may activate unlimited integrations between a particular pair of connected systems at the cost of 1 license point.

For example, you could enable unlimited integrations between ServiceNow (Instance 1) and Jira (Instance 1) at the cost of 1 license point. However, integrating another pair of connected systems, like ServiceNow (Instance 1) and Jira (Instance 2), will require 1 additional license point or 2 points in total.

The license points are consumed after starting an integration and are released if an integration is disabled.

Transferred Records NEW OPTIONAL

This optional license attribute represents an integration's monthly number of allowed transferred records. The "transferred records" count is consumed only when transferring records from the main integration entity; any child/related records, like comments or attachments, are not counted.

Breaching Limit Warning

If the maximum number of “transferred records” is reached, you will receive a warning and be allowed a 10% buffer. Breaching the buffer quota will automatically turn off all enabled integrations the license covers. For example, if your license has a limit of 100 transferred records”, you'll see a warning, and all integrations covered by the license will be turned off after transferring 110 "transferred records" (or if you breach the limit by 10%).

Additional Clarifications

  • The records from all workflows are counted.

  • Only successfully loaded records are counted.

  • Any failed or ignored records are not counted.

  • The number of "transferred records" is reset at 00:00 on the first date of the next month.

License Management

Adding a License

Follow the steps below to add a license to your Zigiops instance.

  1. Access the ZigiOps web console.

  2. Go to the Licenses page.

  3. Click the Upload License button and select your license file.

Removing a License

Follow the steps below to remove a license from your Zigiops instance.

  1. Access the ZigiOps web console.

  2. Go to the Licenses page.

  3. Select the desired license and then click the Recycle Bin button.

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