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Network Storage for Runtime Files (Linux only)


You could automate the synchronization between the Primary and Backup ZigiOps server in different ways depending on the OS and the local environment. It is possible to configure each ZigiOps server to use an external network location for its integration configuration and runtime files. Once set up, the integration configuration and the runtime files will always be in sync. The failover would consist of simply stopping and starting the ZigiOps service on the relevant server.


This scenario is an expansion of the main Failover solution described on the High Availability page. It has the same prerequisites and requires the ZigiOps servers to be configured the same way. 

  • Equal hardware and OS used on both the Primary and the Backup ZigiOps server.

  • Primary and Backup servers have installed the same version of ZigiOps

  • External to each ZigiOps server Network storage, mounted on each Primary and Backup servers

  • The user starting the ZigiOps has read and write permissions to the mounted network storage

  • Soft symbolic link created from the ZigiOps runtime files location to the mounted network storage

  • Active licenses on each Primary and Backup ZigiOps server

  • Only one ZigiOps server is active at the same time

Setting up ZigiOps to use network storage

The steps below provide an example scenario on setting ZigiOps up to use external network storage for its integration configuration and runtime files. The procedure below assumes that ZigiOps was installed with default parameters using the root user. Relevant licenses have been applied to each ZigiOps instance, and ZigiOps has been run at least once after its initial installation. All commands are examples using root user.

Primary ZigiOps sever

  1. Mount the external network storage:

    • mkdir -p /opt/zigiwave/zigiops_failover/

    • mount -t cifs //<yourSharedFolder> /opt/zigiwave/zigiops_failover/

  2. Stop the ZigiOps service

    • systemctl stop zigiwave_platform or service zigiwave_platform.service stop

  3. Move the ZigiOps conf files to the mounted network location

    • mv /opt/zigiwave/zigiops/webapp/conf /opt/zigiwave/zigiops_failover/webapp/conf

    • mv /opt/zigiwave/zigiops/platform/conf /opt/zigiwave/zigiops_failover/platform/conf

  4. Create the Soft Symbolic Link to the mounted network location

    • ln -s /opt/zigiwave/zigiops_failover/webapp/conf /opt/zigiwave/zigiops/webapp/conf

    • ln -s /opt/zigiwave/zigiops_failover/paltform/conf /opt/zigiwave/zigiops/platform/conf

  5. Start the ZigiOps service

    • systemctl start zigiwave_platform or service zigiwave_platform.service start

Backup ZigiOps Server

  1. Mount the external network storage:

    • mkdir -p /opt/zigiwave/zigiops_failover/

    • mount -t cifs //<yourSharedFolder> /opt/zigiwave/zigiops_failover/

  2. Stop the ZigiOps service

    • systemctl stop zigiwave_platform or service zigiwave_platform.service stop

  3. Delete the ZigiOps conf files

    • rm -r /opt/zigiwave/zigiops/webapp/conf

    • rm -r /opt/zigiwave/zigiops/platform/conf

  4. Create the Soft Symbolic Link to the mounted network location

    • ln -s /opt/zigiwave/zigiops_failover/webapp/conf /opt/zigiwave/zigiops/webapp/conf

    • ln -s /opt/zigiwave/zigiops_failover/platform/conf /opt/zigiwave/zigiops/platform/conf

  5. Start the ZigiOps service

    • systemctl start zigiwave_platform or service zigiwave_platform.service start


The below steps explain how to move the active ZigiOps between the Primary and the Backup servers when using Network Storage for the integration configuration and the runtime files.

  • Stop the Primary ZigiOps

  • Start the Backup ZigiOps

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