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Supported Versions

Please note that using a supported version is mandatory.


Supported Deployment Types

Supported Versions




Environmental Prerequisites

Due to the dynamic changes in the available OpenAI models, you may need to modify the default model used by ZigiOps, which is currently set to gpt-4.

  1. Go to the ZigiOps → Systems page and select the desired OpenAI instance.

  2. Click on the Dots → Advanced Settings button.

  3. Input the desired Model ID value and click the Apply button.

See the OpenAI Platform documentation for more details on how to retrieve the available Model IDs.

How to generate an API Key in OpenAI?

  1. Log in to the OpenAI Platform.

  2. Go to the API Keys section, click the Create new secret key button and select the Service Account option:

    • Service Account ID → Input zigiops or another suitable name.

    • Project → Select the desired project.

  3. Click the Create secret key button to generate your API key.

Please save this secret key somewhere safe and accessible. For security reasons, you won't be able to view it again through your OpenAI account. If you lose this secret key, you'll need to generate a new one.

Connected System Configuration

Follow the steps below to add your instance as a connected system.

  1. Log into your ZigiOps instance.

  2. Navigate to Connected Systems → Add New System → OpenAI and configure the following parameters: 

    • Server URL → Input the default OpenAI API URL, which is

    • API Key → Input the API key that you generated earlier.

    • Proxy Settings → Enables the usage of a proxy server.

  3. Examine the settings and if they are correct, click the Save button to save the system.

Related Templates

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