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Uninstall from Windows

To uninstall ZigiOps on Windows, run the service uninstallation batch files for both the web app and platform services, then manually delete the installation folder.

  1. Run the C:\ZigiWave\ZigiOps\webapp\service\uninstall_service.bat batch file to uninstall the ZigiOps Web App service.

  2. Run the C:\ZigiWave\ZigiOps\platform\service\uninstall_service.bat batch file to uninstall the ZigiOps Platform service.

  3. Manually delete the ZigiOps installation folder, which is typically located at C:\ZigiWave\ZigiOps, unless a different location was specified during installation.

Uninstall from Linux

To uninstall ZigiOps on Linux, manually remove both the web app and platform services, then delete the installation folder.

  1. Delete the /etc/systemd/system/zigiwave_webapp.service ZigiOps Web App service file.

  2. Delete the /etc/systemd/system/zigiwave_platform.service ZigiOps Platform service file.

  3. Manually delete the ZigiOps installation folder, which is typically located at /opt/zigiwave/zigiops, unless a different location was specified during installation.

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