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Version 2022.03.224

This version was released on 


Bug Fixes

  • N/A

Platform Features and Improvements

  • Support for extracting and setting a request type in Jira Service Management.

  • Support for linking objects and lookups for Ivanti.

  • Support for linking work items for Azure DevOps.

Additional Content

  • N/A


Upgrading from release 2021.07.648 (or earlier) will require resetting the ZigiOps web console credentials by following the steps below; otherwise, ZigiOps wouldn't be able to start.

  1. Stop the ZigiOps service or process.

  2. Remove the following folders:

    • <ZigiOps>\conf\settings\accounts

    • <ZigiOps>\conf\settings\credentials

    • <ZigiOps>\conf\settings\users

  3. Start the ZigiOps service or process.

  4. Log in using the default ZigiOps credentials.

  5. If needed, you may change your default password.

Upgrading from release 2021.10.145 (or earlier) may require resetting the ZigiOps web console certificate truststore credentials by following the steps below; otherwise, ZigiOps would start, but the web console wouldn't be accessible.

  1. Stop the ZigiOps service or process.

  2. Remove the following entries (lines) from <ZigiOps>\conf\ file and save the changes afterward:

    • key-password

    • key-manager-pass

  3. Start the ZigiOps service or process.

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