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Version 2022.10.2.42

This version was released on 


Bug Fixes

  • Only the last attachment is transferred if multiple attachments are available in a Remedy worklog record.

  • Cherwell Incident ID is not set in Jira as per the respond field mapping.

  • ZigiOps fails to start properly on Windows after modifying the heap size from the General Settings menu.

  • Adding a new connected system doesn't load its configuration screen immediately.

  • The actions fail when there’s a boolean type field in the field mapping with a “Data Type Failure” error.

  • Unable to extract Salesforce comments if there is no attachment in the case or vice versa.

Platform Features and Improvements

  • Collect CircleCI pipelines with related workflows and jobs.

  • Improved the status change field mapping for the Jira and Remedy out-of-the-box integration templates.

  • Removed the requirements for modifying the field mapping for the Azure DevOps attachments in the out-of-the-box integration templates

  • Introduced improvements to the out-of-the-box integration templates.

  • Introduced out-of-the-box integration templates for Jira cloud and Jira server.

  • Introduced simplified Jira integration templates for POC purposes.

  • Added server-side validation for the User Management endpoints.

  • Upgraded the “Moment JS” library to the latest version.

Additional Content

  • Introduced Circle CI connected system.

  • Added Circle CI pipelines to OBM events integration template.

Important Notes

Upgrading from release 2021.07.648 (or earlier) will require resetting the ZigiOps web console credentials by following the steps below; otherwise, ZigiOps wouldn't be able to start.

  1. Stop the ZigiOps service or process.

  2. Remove the following folders:

    • <ZigiOps>\conf\settings\accounts

    • <ZigiOps>\conf\settings\credentials

    • <ZigiOps>\conf\settings\users

  3. Start the ZigiOps service or process.

  4. Log in using the default ZigiOps credentials.

  5. If needed, you may change your default password.

Upgrading from release 2021.10.145 (or earlier) may require resetting the ZigiOps web console certificate truststore credentials by following the steps below; otherwise, ZigiOps would start, but the web console wouldn't be accessible.

  1. Stop the ZigiOps service or process.

  2. Remove the following entries (lines) from <ZigiOps>\conf\ file and save the changes afterward:

    • key-password

    • key-manager-pass

  3. Start the ZigiOps service or process.

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