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Version 2024.06.2.369

This version was released on 


Bug Fixes

  • The platform occasionally sent HTTP requests against Salesforce even though an access token wasn’t available.

  • Expanding an error message on the Configurator's action view disrupts the layout of other elements on the page.

Platform Features and Improvements

  • Updated the BMC Remedy static schema for the "incident" and "hpd_worklog" collections so they will contain all available by default fields.

  • The platform will renew the Remedy’s access token if the token’s last access time exceeds the predefined value to prevent accidental user lockdowns.

  • Updated the workflow tabs to the MUI design.

Additional Content

  • N/A

Known Issues

  • Platform:

    • The Configurator’s action page scroll is not adjusted when an action displays an error message.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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