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Version 2024.09.1.503

This version was released on 


Bug Fixes

  • Improved the password encryption of the OpenAI system.

  • A field type validation error was shown when using a system parameter as value.

  • The reference field mapping configuration was causing unexpected glitches on the UI.

  • Integrations that use the operations entity presented inconsistencies in the “extract” and “load” documents.

  • Filtering the available templates using two different systems resulted in incorrect display of the filtered templates.

  • Inability to modify the trigger or filter settings when creating a new custom integration.

  • Sending an HTTP request against the Swagger API’s "/platform/status" endpoint resulted in an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.

  • Before the actual configurations were loaded, the first page load displayed "No Integrations Here" and "No templates match this filter" messages for Integrations and Template pages, respectively.

  • The notification "Action run triggered” is displayed only after the action run has completed.

Platform Features and Improvements

  • Added a horizontal workflow bar for workflow management.

  • Added a List button to the workflow bar.

  • Moved the existing workflow features to the workflow bar tab.

  • Resized the unselected tabs in the workflow bar.

  • Added an option to "Enable/Disable" a flow within the flow context menu.

  • The IFS Assist system now supports inline/embedded attachments for actions/comments.

  • The Web Listener system now offers the capability to provide a response.

Additional Content

Known Issues

  • N/A

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