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Version 2024.10.2.602

This version was released on 


Bug Fixes

  • Issue related with the “Set-Cookie” header of the HTTP requests for the SCOM system.

  • The "Manage Integrations" page displayed the "Clone” option as unavailable.

  • Saving an integration through the Integration Wizard “Save” button causes an issue with the integration.edn file.

Platform Features and Improvements

  • The platform logs statistical information for the total number of extracted records, loaded records, number of system instances, integrations and workflows once a day for the preceding calendar day.

  • The platform rolls over the audit statistics file on annual basis.

  • Implemented a visual indicator to notify the end user when inconsistencies are detected in the configuration data of the integration.

  • Added support for extracting and creating attachments for Ivanti.

  • Added support for a new field for email body in plain text for Ivanti.

Additional Content

  • N/A

Known Issues

  • N/A

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