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Version 2022.07.295

This version was released on 


Bug Fixes

  • Extracting the “due date” field from Azure DevOps fails to convert to timestamp and fails with data type error when reporting to a target date.

  • Stopping the ZigiOps Remote Agent may slow or stuck the ZigiOps Cloud UI.

  • The “external_id” and “drilldown_url” fields are missing from the Respond Field Map’s suggestions.

  • Queries against Azure DevOps fail when the “” field is not defined in the trigger conditions.

  • Sending assignee data to Azure DevOps is possible only when using the "displayname" field.

  • Jira lookup for the “key” field when linking issues fails with "No plan was generated for query".

  • Extracting linked work items from Azure DevOps doesn't work.

  • There was an undefined error when extracting metrics from Datadog.

  • Fields of type “boolean” were discovered as fields of type “string” for Salesforce.

  • The “Update OBM event” action didn’t work as expected for Ivanti 2022.1.0.

  • ZigiOps couldn’t populate the “team” field for Jira.

  • ZigiOps couldn’t populate the “reporter” field for Jira.

  • Updating a “date/time” field in Ivanti incorrectly sent as EPOCH timestamp for the “OBM events to Ivanti incidents” integration.

  • ZigiOps wasn’t picking any custom relationships from Ivanti’s “task” table to the “journal” table for the “Ivanti tasks to OBM events” integration.

  • The backsync action for acknowledging alerts in SolarWinds wasn't working as expected.

  • The ZigiOps Remote Agent was incorrectly shown as “connected” even though it wasn’t.

  • A false-positive error message was shown during the installation of the ZigiOps Remote Agent.

  • Added some additional security-related headers to the ZigiOps' HTTP headers.

  • Updated the version of the Moment.js to 2.10.6 and the Chart.js to 2.7.3, respectively.

  • Fixed an issue causing the integration status to be shown as “inactive” inaccurately.

  • Fixed the display label of TLS protocol within the ZigiOps connected systems.

  • Updated the ZigiOps web console SSL self-signed certificate.

  • Cherwell didn’t link CIs in cases when multiple fields needed to be updated.

  • Unable to extract the “discoveredname” field of an entity related to a Dynatrace problem.

  • Jira lookup for “key” when linking issues failed with a "No plan was generated for query" error.

Platform Features and Improvements

  • The user is forced to set a new password after an initial ZigiOps installation.

  • Changed the default password for the “admin” user to admin@Z1G1. See the Accessing page for more details.

  • Introduced a password security policy for ZigiOps web console users.

  • Redesign of the Troubleshooting page by adding navigation, filtering, table view of the “extract” and “load” documents, UQL, and “response” document.

  • Integrations with Ivanti now support multiple relationships through a single field.

  • Deprecated the integration status view on the Configurator page.

  • Changed the ZigiOps Remote Agent heartbeat status to the message broker.

  • Added support for using the “sprint” field in the Jira integrations.

  • Added support for extracting attachments from Azure DevOps.

Additional Content

  • Introduced Bitbucket connected system.

  • Introduced OPTIC DL connected system.

  • Added Bitbucket Issues to ServiceNow incidents integration template.

  • Added Bitbucket commits to ServiceNow incidents integration template.

  • Added Dynatrace application by browser metrics to OPTIC DL metrics integration template.

  • Added Dynatrace application by user type metrics to OPTIC DL metrics integration template.

  • Added Dynatrace disk metrics to OPTIC DL metrics integration template.

  • Added Dynatrace host metrics to OPTIC DL metrics integration template.

  • Added Dynatrace network metrics to OPTIC DL metrics integration template.

  • Added Dynatrace service metrics to OPTIC DL metrics integration template.

  • Added SolarWinds cluster metrics to OPTIC DL metrics integration template.

  • Added SolarWinds ESXi host metrics to OPTIC DL metrics integration template.

  • Added SolarWinds host metrics to OPTIC DL metrics integration template.

  • Added SolarWinds VM metrics to OPTIC DL metrics integration template.

Important Notes

Upgrading from release 2021.07.648 (or earlier) will require resetting the ZigiOps web console credentials by following the steps below; otherwise, ZigiOps wouldn't be able to start.

  1. Stop the ZigiOps service or process.

  2. Remove the following folders:

    • <ZigiOps>\conf\settings\accounts

    • <ZigiOps>\conf\settings\credentials

    • <ZigiOps>\conf\settings\users

  3. Start the ZigiOps service or process.

  4. Log in using the default ZigiOps credentials.

  5. If needed, you may change your default password.

Upgrading from release 2021.10.145 (or earlier) may require resetting the ZigiOps web console certificate truststore credentials by following the steps below; otherwise, ZigiOps would start, but the web console wouldn't be accessible.

  1. Stop the ZigiOps service or process.

  2. Remove the following entries (lines) from <ZigiOps>\conf\ file and save the changes afterward:

    • key-password

    • key-manager-pass

  3. Start the ZigiOps service or process.

There is an error message during the installation of the ZigiOps Remote Agent, which could be safely ignored by clicking the OK button as it doesn’t negatively impact the installation.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.